Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Shawshank Redemption 1994 English DVDRip.AVC Movie Torrent Download

Year: 1994
Genre: Crime, Drama
Starring: Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton
Director: Frank Darabont

Download Torrent

The Shawshank Redemption 1994 torrent

Torrent Size: 815 MB
Language: Eng
Runtime: 142 min
Subtitles: English
Resolution: 720x480
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Video Bitrate: 5428 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 440 kbps

Review: When I talk about this movie with my friends, I do not even refer to it by the title, but rather as the movie. When I say the movie, my friends and I know exactly what I'm talking about me. In fact the main reason that me and my friends refer to it by the title because the film was so good that we do not feel worthy enough to say his name in vain! I still remember the first time I saw The Shawshank Acquisition. Some of my friends and I went to see it on one of the lines Theatre in the summer of 1995. None of us really know anything about the movie, but we heard it was pretty good. So without any real expectations, we found it. When the final credits rolled and the lights came on in the theater, all of us just sat there with our jaws hanging down to the floor. I turned my head to my friend Bob and said it was the best movie I've ever seen in my entire life! There's really no other way I can put it into words. Every moment of this film captivated me and inspired me to believe in the one true thing in life ...... Hope. The movie is sad, uplifting, inspiring, cruel, cold, fun (on time), jaw-dropping, and heartwarming all at once. I get chills every time I watch this movie and this movie contains the largest end (which takes place during the last 30 or so minutes) in movie history! How all together it's just so incredible and uplifting. I should also mention the music in the film is almost flawless as well, and the soundtrack is a must buy for any music fan. The only bad thing about this movie is that I know I will not see a better film, no matter how many I see. I've seen many movies in the past few years, many good films. But every time I walk out of the theater, I returned to my friends or family members, as I saw it, and I say it was a great movie, but it was not nearly as good as you know what! There have been many films over the past few years, thinking really move me or that one day I could call my favorite of all time, but've all fallen away from The Shawshank Acquisition. So if you have yet to see this movie, run to the video store immediately. You are guaranteed to find it in the options section of employees. And if it is not in this section, then you should tell the staff there that there is something seriously wrong with them. If you see this movie, go see it again. If you have not bought your copy, buy one. In fact, buy two and put one in a fireproof safe, in case of an emergency only. : O) So you want a 1-10 rating? I give it a 13!

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